
Four Seasons Early Learning believes that children are intrinsically motivated and will learn most between birth to six years of age, then any other time in their lives.

We are confident that children who participate in our enriched, secure and positive early childhood education will develop the best possible opportunities for intellectual and emotional growth.

Four Seasons combines elements of two pedagogies that are recognized as leaders in early childhood education – the Reggio Emilia/Project Approach Methods. As a result, Four Seasons Early Learning has developed a unique, well-balanced curriculum that nurtures the whole child in areas of physical, intellectual, emotional, social and brain development.

The Reggio Emilia Method highlights that children are naturally inquisitive, and eager to learn. Project Approach work involves students working in small groups, brainstorming and designing projects that are personally meaningful. At Four Seasons we ensure your child is ready to thrive when they enter Kindergarten. As teachers assess and identify which developmental guidelines students have mastered and which they are ready to begin working on, we ensure no child will be left behind.

Teachers challenge students to use their higher-order thinking skills. Children represent their knowledge through different modes of expression: drawing, painting, words, sculpture, movement, music and drama. Projects require students to think, to debate different opinions and to look at the world from new perspectives. Project work challenges students both intellectually and emotionally.

Using a variety of concrete materials, students master academic skills in Language Arts, Mathematics, Science, and Cultural Studies. Children gain an excellent foundation to build upon in future years.