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Our Approach

At Four Seasons we hold a reverence for childhood and our school community is committed to embracing the diversity of individual students’ skills, learning styles and array of multiple intelligence’s, ensuring that children have the opportunity to grow not just in core academic areas, but also in the arts, music, physical education and character development.

Reggio Emilia philosophy has strong roots within nature and recognizes the environment as a teacher. Thus, Four Seasons provides a learning environment enriched with creative and sensory experiences as avenues for growth allowing every child to reach their true potential.

We carefully choose materials and customize inspiring spaces that are respectful of children. In a creative yet structured environment, your child is introduced to Numbers, Science, Languages, Computers, Music, Gardening, Cooking, Fine Motor Development, Self-Care Skills and more. Everything a child sees, listens to, feels and tastes contributes to their learning. Our goals are always to develop self-confidence and build independence – it’s an ideal way to prepare children to take control of their learning as they prepare for the future. Therefore, every one of our spaces offers rich, open-ended experiences that engage children and allow them to confidently explore, make choices and follow through on their own learning. Children complete tasks and meet goals, resulting in a satisfying sense of personal accomplishment. Teachers take on the role of the facilitator and encourage children to take the lead in their own learning, expertly guiding your child as they learn to understand the world around them.

Program Goals

At Four Seasons Early Learning, our values and ethos are bound by a passion to provide young minds with the ability, means and skills to enable and sustain future growth and development. Our Program Goals will be achieved through the combined efforts of educators, parents, and children, which are as follows:

  • To provide a secure, positive, and intellectually stimulating environment that nurtures a love of learning
  • To encourage independent thinking and self-directed learning in a child-centered environment
  • To provide learning experiences that develop life skills promoting self-discipline, effective problem solving, perseverance and concentration
  • To provide multimodal learning experiences that develop children’s unique gifts and multiple intelligences
  • To empower children by respecting their choices and input into the curriculum
  • To foster self-esteem through positive learning experiences with peers and adults
  • To provide a variety of experiences that foster the development of the child’s social responsibility in a changing world
  • To provide a variety of experiences that foster the child’s physical development and well-being
  • To encourage artistic and aesthetic development through multimedia representation
  • To foster language development by providing a variety of authentic learning experiences
  • To foster children’s intellectual development by designing learning experiences that incorporate higher order thinking operations
  • To promote on-going parent, staff and child communication to welcome all children in a non-denominational environment